No Darkfall Open Beta... yet I've been refreshing the Darkfall forums every hour for the past couple of days; partially because I'm bored and also really looking forward to giving DF a try. It was stated during the 'Open Coffee TV' event thing in Athens that there would be an open beta and something about it being a week before launch - the details were obviously lost in translation. This led a great many people to place their hopes on a Beta happening on the 15th (1 week from the 22nd). All of those hopes came crashing down to reality today when a Moderator (whose information could be just as faulty as the next guy) doused the flames of speculation.
Curses! Okay, so there is nothing special about the 15th... but maybe the 16th? I'll hold out hope that Adventurine will at least distribute the client before launch especially given the fact (is it a fact?) that they'll be using a torrent. So, for now, there is not a Darkfall Open Beta. Several of us are spending our afternoons in Ventrilo theorycrafting all the various aspects of the game and making plans on what we'll be doing in such an open sandbox world. We've also been having some awesome discussions and sharing information on our forums (where you're all welcome to join in). A couple of us have been practicing our skills in a HL mod called Pirates Vikings and Knights II (PVKII) which seems to be the closest thing to Darkfall Combat in a multiplayer setting. If, for some reason, Darkfall gets delayed then I will probably install Oblivion and play through it fully for the first time. Oh, and while I'm writing about Darkfall, I found an interesting quote from an interview with Adventurine where they comment on why we have not seen any real publicity for the game:
Let the game speak for itself... I can believe that, for now. They're a small company striving to make good on huge promises that have never been kept by studios with astronomical budgets. Launch will tell, and it's only a week or so away. (MAYBE!) |