Shaiya gold values for players, in the game it plays one most important role, and also it can change things developing. Now the knight comes to show it, you will find it is interesting and wonderful. At the beginning, of course a monster of hatred on our knight him, but as the master their attacks, hate will gradually shift the higher the monster level, the faster the transfer. Therefore, we need to complete cavaliers attacking bugbears mission, should continue to absorb blame, so they were all gathered around us.
Suction strange step one is weak curse. Remains is the attract tricks, but the results have changed, man class weak curse wide range, a high degree of hatred, the release quickly, anxious for the master is concerned, this trick can be pulled as soon as they hate him knight. The second step is groups of sarcasm. Groups ridiculed release rate slower than the weaker curse, so on the second step, the skills, and have several advantages. First make a monster of hatred to further increase, second so that they can be more neat formation. Some people say that what the use is neat, just to look good. No, at a relatively low level, when master occupational groups such as attacking the limited scope of the attack, irregular formation, non intensive, and some strange hit them, it still costs two times things.
The third step is earthquake ground. The only group to attack knights of the skills so that they can slow movement speed, attack speed, while increasing their hatred. In addition, because the visual effects of attacks, this trick is more wonderful, so the master can be used as the signal to attack. The last step I will tell you next time, I think you will see it, and many new things open next time.