After the last migrations of high population servers, new responses arrived in droves. A recent forum discussion also allowed us better identify some elements of ergonomics in Maple Story 2.0 which dissatisfy the players.
From these additional player responses and statistics which we have at our disposition, ANKAMA made the decision to push pause on the migration schedule once more, to improve these aspects which still pose a problem for players on our game.
At the moment, it is not easy to determine the length of this pause, because modifications we are tackling are more extensive than in the past. In response to the comments of the community, it was decided to review ergonomics and interfaces, some graphic elements and the total performance of Maple Story 2.0 to rediscover a game closer to version 1.29.
If the timing of the migration schedule we've already announced is not disrupted too much, the updates of Maple Story 2.0 are going to go on with the same rhythm as before. An update is also planned for next Tuesday. The changelog will be available shortly. Other updates will follow very soon.