Shaiya gold is a mysterious game,many people that they think that leveling up with an assassin is pretty difficult.
In reality, this is not true, but at levels when monsters auto-attack instead of waiting around for you to beat them up like cows, playing an assassin can get dicey if you do not do it right.
1. Pull Away From Large Groups - Mobs, in their natural wander paths, usually maintain some sort of support matrix; in which a mob who is attacked is also within activation range of at least one other mob.
There are two ways to solve this with melee mobs. The first is to use your ranged weapon, which is normally rather useless when most of your best powers require you to burst out of hiding in melee.
If you stand at or beyond max range, and then activate your ranged power on a melee mob on the edge of a group, you will automatically move to max range and shoot at it. Then, this mob will pursue you, leaving the mob matrix, freeing you up to take him down hard.
2. Use Cover - Just because this is not the real world does not mean that none of the real-world rules apply. Cover can be devastating when pulling ranged mobs.
Normally, ranged mobs are especially hairy, for reasons mentioned above, namely that they can form deadly matrices which are almost impossible to fight through.