The story of Eve isk starts off on the seedy underworld of Nal Hutta, where your contact, an Imperial known only as Keeper sets you off on a mission to infiltrate the organization of Nemro the Hutt. The dialogue is convincing, and provides players with numerous options that should be familiar to any players of Bioware previous RPGs. You will be able to select from a number of different of responses that fit a particular tone or position you want to take with your subject and sometimes you will have actions you can choose to perform as well. For example, I ran into a character within stronghold that got the idea he knew me from somewhere; thinking that I could use this to my advantage I played along, only to find out I apparently owed the guy money, not so advantageous after all. However, being a girl, and a particularly fine one to boot, I attempted to flirt my way out of the situation, which failed miserably and resulted in me having to shank the poor bastard. I guess he just did not dig blue chicks.
Aside from the main story quest, which is pretty compelling and feels very thematic for an Imperial Agent, you will find numerous peripheral side quests throughout the world, and while the voice work is compelling, it is all pretty standard fare. Some guy needs help with this or that and you go take care of it for him, though some of it can be resolved entirely through the game dialogue system, which is a definite plus. I ran into side quests that basically amounted to killing X number of things to get some items to bring back to my contact, but I also took on a task for someone looking for their missing brother.