Constantly called some of the best space combat games of all time; this game series still remains one of the most talked about sub-franchises in the Eve isk game-sphere. Fans that I've talked to about the possible space combat in The Old Republic have almost unanimously stated that they hoped it would play like those space simulation titles. Some fans still enjoy Eve Galaxies space combat, but diehard fans of X-Wing/TIE Fighter will almost come to blows if you try to reason that another way is better. Right now we can only speculate on how Bioware/Lucas Arts will pull off this area of the game. Hopefully they won't take the easy way out and simply cut and paste a design doc, but that doesn't seem like their style. I would expect something innovative (or at least re-worked and fun) from the savvy gents down in Austin, many players are banking on a fun space system to fully sell them on this game.