Tall and covered with fur from head to toe, these "walking carpets" hail from the forest-world of Kashyyyk, where they live amongst 9 Dragons Gold the wroshyr trees, as many Wookiees do not dare to travel to the extremely dangerous ground floor of the planet is known as the "Shadow lands". Wookiees lived in a clan-based society, and were renowned as being temperamental, with the combat prowess to back it up. Their native tongue was Shyriiwook, and they were unable to speak any other language due to their unique vocal structure. Wookiee's are also known for their unique weapons such as the bow caster and ryyk blade, as well as their "life debt" tradition, in which they would dedicate their lives to servitude of those who saved them. Chewbacca, for example, was serving a life debt to Han Solo, who rescued Chewbacca when Chewie was still but a Wookiee slave, and Han, an Imperial Lieutenant.