Each victory in a rated BG will also give you Arena points. However, a loss will not affect your rating, nor your total number of Arena points.If you have Arena points, you should spend them on something epic! Among the possible rewards, the most exciting will be the return of the classic honor titles like Grand Marshal or Knight Lieutenant. Players will also be able to earn epic ground mounts and vanity items such as tabards and pets in addition to helping their guild acquire levels and achievements.Tol Barad is a brand new battleground which will have features similar to those found in both Wintergrasp and the Isle of Quel'Danas. When battle mode is active, the contest will be similar to WIntergrasp with PvP fights, vehicles and destructible buildings. When battles are not in progress, Tol Barad becomes a daily quest hub like the Isle of Quel'Danas. The faction that wins the battle in Tol Barad will not only get Tol Barad marks of honor, but also will get access to bonus daily quests and special bosses.Guild advancement will be one of the biggest changes made to the wow gold game system when Cataclysm arrives. Guilds will be able to level up and gain talent points, develop guild professions and gain achievements.Players earn guild experience in a variety of ways, for instance by gaining levels, reputation ranks, boss kills, rated battleground or Arena wins, or profession ranks. Each guild level grants a talent point that can be spent in a guild talent tree which works similarly to character or pet talent trees.