First off, let me reassure you, there is absolutely a big gear reset this time out. It doesn't matter if you're in full, head-to-toe heroic 25-man raiding gear straight from ICC or not. It doesn't matter that there are only five levels to go this time out. You are going to pick up upgrades fairly quickly. The more WoW gold means you can player more funnly. There are green weapons available fairly quickly on with 359 DPS. This isn't The Burning Crusade, where Might of Menethil would have lasted you until heroics or Karazhan. This isn't Wrath, where if you had a Sunwell weapon, you'd be able to roll into Naxx with it. Get used to it now: You'll be replacing Shadowmourne with a crafted blue at level 81.I'm even going to argue that this is how it has to be. I personally don't love the idea, and I'm sure a few players will keep raid gear for things like socket bonuses and the ability to slap some of the new +50 strength gems into a few sockets, but in general upgrading your gear earlier is simply necessary in order to design encounters that are challenging for as many people as possible. Nice gold for WoW will give you much more help. New dungeons have to be designed, and they require a certain threshold of gear to complete. It's simply easier to design them if you can ensure that everyone will be at least this tall to ride, so to speak.Rage is the real issue Looking over yesterday's post of talent and ability changes, it's clear that a lot of these ability and talent changes and new talents are aimed at helping with the transition to normalized rage.