Orcs will be the highest DPS melee of any DK's out there and this makes them even more leathal when they get their death grip on you.This will let you handle Rogues and Paladins much easier, stacking this with On a Pale Horse (20% talented) and meta gems. However Death Knights already have a stun immunity Icebound Fortitude that they can cast if in combat with a heavy stun user, but it doesn't break stun so it must be used offensively and it's on a 1 minute cooldown.This ability increases the damage that your summoned Ghoul's do from Army of the Dead, while 5% is not wow gold game breaking you do summon about 9 ghouls so buffing all their damage starts to add up.Solidifying orcs as the best melee dps DK you can pick, disappointed that this ability wasn't buffed since you see a lot of items now having +expertise on it.The staple Tauren PvP ability, however with a lot of ways to already shut out casters (Strangulate, Mind Freeze) this is a weakened version of Arcane Torrent that blood elfs get, still has its situational uses and is AoE.Nerfed from being +5% of total health to base health which pretty much negates any scaling this ability would have with level 80 gear in later tiers. However it is a passive talent that will boost your health by about 400-500.For a DK this is only has very limited use as you can utilize Lichborne to be immune to fear, sleep, charm and since you are now undead effects like polymorph, hex and sap will no longer work on you.